Cheap & Easy cold pasta salad


Cheap & Easy cold pasta salad.

1 box of your favorite pasta (Bow tie is what I normally use but was out so used macaroni and rotini)
1 Yellow & 1 Orange pepper diced.
1/2 Onion Diced
Fresh mushrooms, sliced
A few chopped cherry tomatoes.
Grated Parm cheese
Kraft Catalina salad dressing
Any kind of seasoning you want (S&P, Italian, etc)

Cook pasta until just about done, but not fully cooked. Run under cool water. Chop up all other ingredients and toss in a bowl. Add pasta, and enough dressing to coat the pasta and veggies. Store in fridge and let flavors blend. It’s better the next day 🙂 The best thing with this is you can add pretty much any veggies you have!

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