new favorite

This has become a new favorite in our house…cheap and easy.

3 eggs (beat and mix with a splash of milk)

Cook in a skillet and mix in chopped bacon and sausage…add shredded cheese.

Add to a large burrito shell and wrap.

Cook for a few minutes each side on an electric skillet.

Cheesy Bacon and Sausage Breakfast Burrito


  • 3 large eggs
  • A splash of milk (about 2 tablespoons)
  • 4 strips of bacon, chopped
  • 4 sausage links or patties, chopped
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese (cheddar, Monterey Jack, or your favorite)
  • 2 large burrito-sized tortillas
  • Hot sauce (optional, for serving)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cooking oil or butter for the skillet


  1. Prepare the Eggs:
    • In a bowl, beat the eggs and mix in a splash of milk. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
  2. Cook the Bacon and Sausage:
    • In a large skillet, cook the chopped bacon and sausage over medium heat until they are crispy and cooked through. Remove excess grease if necessary.
  3. Add the Eggs and Cheese:
    • Push the cooked bacon and sausage to one side of the skillet.
    • Pour the beaten eggs into the other side of the skillet and cook, stirring gently, until they are scrambled and just set. This should take about 2-3 minutes.
    • Once the eggs are almost cooked, sprinkle the shredded cheese evenly over the eggs and let it melt.
  4. Assemble the Burrito:
    • Place a tortilla on a clean surface.
    • Spoon half of the egg, bacon, and sausage mixture onto the center of the tortilla.
  5. Fold and Roll:
    • Fold the sides of the tortilla inwards over the filling.
    • Then, starting from the bottom, roll the tortilla up, tucking in the sides as you go, to create a burrito.
  6. Cook the Burrito:
    • Heat a clean skillet or electric griddle over medium-high heat and add a bit of cooking oil or butter.
    • Place the burrito seam-side down on the skillet and cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side, or until it’s golden brown and slightly crispy.
  7. Serve:
    • Remove the burrito from the skillet, cut it in half if desired, and serve hot.
    • If you or your son enjoy it spicy, serve with hot sauce on the side.

This hearty breakfast burrito is not only cheap and easy but also customizable to suit your family’s tastes. It’s perfect for a quick and satisfying morning meal that everyone will love. Enjoy!

My daughter and I like as is…my son likes it with hot sauce


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