👉Crockpot Summer Cookout Medley


Crockpot Summer Cookout Medley


  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 pack hot dogs
  • 2 large cans baked beans
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 1/2 cup BBQ sauce
  • Mustard, to taste
  • Shredded cheese, for topping
  • Potato chips, for serving


  1. Prepare Meat: Brown the ground beef in a skillet over medium heat until fully cooked. While the beef is browning, slice the hot dogs into circles. Add the sliced hot dogs to the skillet and brown them alongside the beef. Once both are browned, drain any excess grease.
  2. Combine Ingredients in Crockpot: In your crockpot, combine the browned ground beef, sliced hot dogs, diced onion, baked beans, ketchup, BBQ sauce, and mustard. Stir well to ensure all ingredients are evenly mixed.
  3. Slow Cook: Set the crockpot to either high or low heat, depending on your preference and time available. Allow the mixture to heat through, stirring occasionally, until it’s piping hot. This usually takes about 2-3 hours on high or 4-6 hours on low.
  4. Add Cheese: Just before serving, sprinkle the top of the mixture with shredded cheese. Let the cheese melt slightly from the residual heat of the dish.
  5. Serve: Dish out the flavorful summer cookout medley into bowls and serve alongside potato chips for a satisfying crunch.

Note: Feel free to adjust the ingredients and quantities according to your taste preferences and the number of people you’re serving. This recipe is easily scalable for larger crowds. Enjoy the taste of summer in every bite! 🌭🍔


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